In E.S.C.

WHERE: In A Vértes Agoraja, Tatabánya, Hungary

:  1 May – 30 April 2019

WHAT: 1 open position for European Voluntary Service project at the Vértes Agorája cultural center for the management of cultural events such as concerts and performances, training, education and promotion of volunteering, communication and promotion of the association’s activities, organization of sporting and tourist events.

WHO: 2 volunteers aged 18-30, domiciled in Italy, motivated to take part in educational projects.

COSTS: EVS is an experience funded by Erasmus+.

TRAVEL/ACCOMMODATION/INSURANCE covered by the program. Volunteers also receive a monthly pocket money.

This project is part of the short term typology and it allows the development of a further long-term EVS experience for a total maximum of 12 months.
To candidate contact us (Subject: CONFERENCE GEN EVS) attaching CV and motivational letter in English.

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Download the infopack: imagina-short-term-info

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