What is the ESC?

The European Solidarity Corps is an initiative funded by the European Commission, addressed to all young people aged between 18 and 30. The goal is to provide an opportunity to learn more about another country, culture and language through the participation in a useful volunteering project for the community. The young European volunteers express a concrete act of solidarity and expand their personal experience.

It is a program open to people coming from every social background and level of education. The period of the project can vary from 2 to 12 months.

Can I participate?

The requirements for participation are:

  • age (between 18 and 30 years);

  • citizenship in one of the eligible countries.

No specific competence or knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required.

This doesn’t mean that everyone is suitable for each project:

  • the hosting organization may require volunteers with certain characteristics necessary to carry out the specific tasks;

  • the sending organization assesses the candidate motivation and reliability to participate.

What does it offer?
  • Orientation to identify the most suitable project
  • Coverage of travel costs on a kilometric ceiling
  • Pre-departure, arrival and intermediate training
  • Room and board
  • Monthly pocket money for personal expenses
  • CIGNA health insurance
  • OLS online language course
  • European Youthpass certificate
In which areas can I volunteer?

The areas in which to perform your service are many: from the social to the artistic, from the cultural to the sustainability.

Sign in the European database and check all the available opportunities: ESC Database

Can I have other information?

You can attend the information desk every Monday from 16 to 18, offered by CSV of Padua in cooperation with Xena.

Form more opportunities, check our Facebook updates and our website, or you can join our newsletter from the homepage

Ok! How can I apply?

Have you identified an ESC project that you would like to partecipate in?

Contact us at the mail address esc@xena.it and attach your CV and a motivational letter, telling why you are the right person!

Useful links

General information to learn more about the European Solidarity Corps
Agenzia Giovani
Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà
Blog dei volontari

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