Are you looking for someone who can help you to translate your ideas into a European Project? Your ideas can become real!! In Xena you can find the right experts, who can than support you in looking for the most suitable European Call and help you with write and realise the project.

There are many possibilities, i.e. in the framework of Erasmus +:

– Vet: it supports education and training in Europe and beyond;

– ESC European Solidarity Corps (ex European Voluntary Service): it enables young people to make a long term volunteer experience abroad;

-Adults education: i.e. to communicate and cooperate with others experts in the field in Europe.

Xena is based on the projects that can be either designed or realized. The organization was born as a big project of youth empowerment on socio-cultural issues. It is still alive and active after over twenty years thanks to the ability to plan and draw up projects in order to look for funding, primarily European. The team includes professionals with more than twenty years of experience and some of them are trained at University level in Europlanning, So don’t hesitate to contact us for a possible collaboration!


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