The Xena Association welcomes groups of young people from other European countries who wish to make a period of training in the area of Padua and its surroundings, with the aim of improving their professional, personal and interpersonal skills and Develop the sense of initiative, entrepreneurship and the ability to communicate constructively in contexts other than those of provenance.

The experience of mobility is an opportunity to fit into the world of work and get to know it closely and can be done through:

  • Mobility for Individual Learning (KA1) is one of the key actions of the EU programme for Education, training, youth and Sport Erasmus Plus 2014-2020.

This key action provides the opportunity for students, trainees, apprentices, graduates and newly qualified teachers, trainers, practitioners, professionals and civil society organisations to undertake A learning experience and/or a professional experience in another country.

To learn more:

  • TLN Mobility (Youth Guarantee-Learning Network on transnational mobility measures for disadvantaged youth and Young adults) is part of the European Social Fund programme and is the ‘ Learning Network on transnational mobility measures for underprivileged young people and Young adults ‘ who foresees exchanges of trainees between countries of Europe, in particular between Germany, Spain and Italy.

The goal is to integrate disadvantaged young people and young adults into the world of work, vocational training and education by improving their skills, knowledge and experience through work-related learning experiences abroad.

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